Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth: Basics of Biblical Interpretation
Cost: Free
Wednesday evenings, 7-8:30pm (Feb 15-Apr 19, 2023)
Teacher: Darren Williamson
Location: Southwest Church of Christ
The Bible is the most powerful book in human history because it is the very Word of God. It has changed lives, saved souls, and guided the people of God for millennia. Understood and interpreted correctly, Holy Scripture “makes us wise unto salvation” and takes us into a deeper relationship with Christ. From the early years of the Church some have twisted scripture and consequently harmed themselves and the cause of Christ. The great blessing of having copies of the Bible readily available comes with the responsibility of “rightly handling the Holy Word Truth” (II Tim 2:15).
This class guides followers of Jesus through the principles and tools of good and faithful Biblical interpretation. It begins with exploring the divine and huma nature of scripture and the tensions that creates for interpretation. Its divine nature (inspired of God) reminds us of its unique authority, truthfulness, understandability, and sufficiency for salvation. Its human nature (written by men) calls for careful attention to literary forms, historical and cultural contexts, word usage, and English translations.
The class will be intellectually stimulating but also very practical. It is designed for disciples who want to want to be better readers of Scripture and who can apply it directly to their daily lives. It is also perfect for Bible class teachers who need a refresher on good practices and tools for Biblical study. Members of the class will learn how to use standard tools of interpretation (dictionaries, concordances, commentaries, etc) but mainly will learn to be a good reader of scripture who will less easily be led astray by those who twist and distort the scripture.
Church History 1517 to Present (Audit or 3 College Credits)
Cost: $60 (for credit) $40 (audit)
Tuesday evenings, 6-9pm (Jan 24 – April 18, 2023)
Teacher: Darren Williamson
Location: Southwest Church of Christ
The course is a comprehensive historical survey of Christianity from the Late Middle Ages to the late 20th century. Special emphasis is given to the sixteenth-century Reformation, the Church in the Age of Enlightenment, and the development of the American Restoration Movement.
Click HERE for Syllabus
Spiritual Disciplines for Followers of Jesus
Cost: Free
Thursday evenings, 6-8:30pm (Dates: February 16 – April 13, 2023)
Teacher: Dr. Mark Thiesen, Hazel Dell Church of Christ
Location: Columbia Christian School
God invites his people into closer and closer relationship with him. That we were created for this purpose shows the immense love and honor that God wants to lavish upon us. Yet in the hustle and bustle of today's harried and distracted society, we often find ourselves either too preoccupied with other things or we simply do not know how to develop our relationship with God. God in Jesus desires an intimate connection with us and stands at the door knocking. He longs to join us in loving fellowship if we allow him to come in (Rev 3:20). We can trust him to provide us with the tools that will enable that connection to deepen.
This class guides followers of Jesus through some of the main tools, often called spiritual disciplines, that allow us to develop a deep relationship with the Lord. It begins by exploring the purpose of the spiritual disciplines and how these practices allow us to enter a place of deeper union with God for our ongoing formation in him as we become the persons we were created to be as his adopted children. The class then delves into the disciplines one by one to allow greater understanding on how each discipline opens us up to greater closeness with God and more powerful witness to others.
This class is not simply a theoretical treatment of the topic, but is designed to engage mind, heart, and practice. Class time will be intellectually stimulating but is designed to also employ the will as it draws members of the class to a deeper love for God. In addition, all members of the class will be expected to be practicing the spiritual activities studies in their daily lives as they move beyond theory to a growing relationship with their Lord.
The class will explore the Spiritual Disciplines of Prayer, Fasting, Study, Christian Meditation, Simplicity, Worship, Service, Guidance.