Merger of CITE and NWSD
In 2012 two local ministers, Darren Williamson and Jason Swick, founded a ministry in the Willamette valley called the Campbell Institute for Theological Education. This program offered high quality courses in Christian studies for students at Oregon State University and others seeking to grow in their knowledge of Scripture. As plans for the NWSD were coming together in the Fall of 2020 it became clear that a merger between CITE and the newly forming NWSD would be great for the kingdom. The Board of Directors of the Campbell Institute for Theological Education (CITE), the Keizer Church of Christ elders, and the Southwest Church of Christ elders agreed to merge CITE and NWSD into one ministry.
The merger provides for the continuation of course offerings in Keizer, the University Christian Center (Corvallis), and Prineville and envisions the presence of a former CITE Board member on the NWSD Partnering Church Advisory Board. Accredited courses offered in the Northwest School of Discipleship are called CITE Courses in its honor.