Preaching Ministry Internship

A core component of the NWSD is a paid Preaching Ministry Internship each summer for young men who feel drawn to the ministry and are currently undergoing training at a college, university, or other formal program of study. The internship helps equip young men for congregational ministry who are grounded in Biblical theology, who have a commitment to Restoration Movement theological perspectives, and who desire to experience all the aspects of congregational ministry.
The program consists of a cohort of interns every summer based at different partnering churches in the Portland area. Interns work mainly with their immediate supervisor at their home church but also with the director of the NWSD. Interns gain experience preparing and delivering sermons, leading other elements of the worship assembly, serving their congregation as needed, and assisting with a variety of ministry duties.
The intern cohort meets weekly for prayer and discussion, with a view toward developing ministry friendships and learning to live in healthy accountable relationships. We pray the internship program helps shape quality, faithful, and equipped ministers for the region.