Preaching Ministry Internship
Now Accepting Applications for summer 2025.
Internship Description
The Northwest School of Discipleship (NWSD), an initiative of the Southwest Church of Christ in Tigard, Oregon, seeks multiple Preaching Ministry Interns for Summer 2025. The internship is designed for young men who desire to enter congregational ministry and who will appreciate first-hand exposure to all the aspects of ministry. Interns will be based at congregations in the area and form a cohort that together learns to grow as preachers under the general guidance of the NWSD Director. Interns will also have close supervision by his immediate congregational supervisor.
Elements of the Internship
Interns will grow spiritually and learn to discern God’s will for his life in ministry through structured readings, regular prayer and discussion with ministers in the area. As part of the internship interns will participate in a 5 day overnight backpacking trek in the Cascade Mountains. See the Journey of Christian Manhood recap video from 2021.
Interns will have many opportunities to teach Bible classes and prepare and deliver sermons at several different congregations. Interns will also have occasions to work with youth and college-age members, as needed, and assist with administrative duties.
All the interns meet weekly as a cohort at the Director's home with the other interns in the program for a focused time of fellowship, study, prayer, discussion, and worship. Seasoned ministers in the area often join the cohort meeting to share wisdom and guidance to the young interns.
This internship is an awesome opportunity to explore ministry in the Great Northwest under the encouraging and helpful guidance of experienced and caring ministers. Interns also will have plenty of free time to explore the beauty of the region and develop lifelong Christian friendships.
Key Details:
Dates: Mid May – Early August 2025. Dates are flexible, based on the interns’ academic schedule, but will includes at least 11 full weeks.
Basic Requirements: applicants must be a baptized male believer 19-25 years old with a commitment to the fellowship of the churches of Christ and who is currently undergoing (or considering) a formal program of study for ministry.
Compensation: Competitive intern stipend and room & board in a host home. Details of compensation will be discussed during the interview process.

Application Instructions:
1. Learn as much as possible about this internship and the Northwest School of Discipleship by reading about past years. Feel free to reach out to past interns. Be sure to watch the informational video next to these instructions.
2. Ask any questions you have by emailing or calling Darren Williamson. dwilliamson.or@gmail.com & 503 - 752 - 6032
3. Apply by clicking on the application button below. Print off the application form, fill it out, scan and send the completed application to Darren at dwilliamson.or@gmail.com.
Review of applications begins on October 15, 2025 and continues until the positions are filled.