Fall 2023 Courses
Come Follow Me: Fundamentals of Christian Discipleship
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm;
September 13 – Nov 15, 2023
Location: Southwest Church of Christ, Education wing
Teacher: Dr. Darren Williamson
Cost: $30 recommended donation

Introduction to Christian Ethics (THEO 2003)
Thursdays, 1:00-5:00pm;
September 14 - November 16 (no class on Oct 11)
Location: Balcony Classroom, Southwest Church of Christ)
Teacher: Dr. Darren Williamson
Cost: This is an accredited college course with fees. Students can audit the course or take it for college credit. If auditing there is no assessment (quizzes, tests, papers, etc) or credit assigned. The audit fee is $30. If taken for credit, there is assessment, a grade is assigned, and three college credits are earned. The credit fee is $40
This course is accredited through a special arrangement with Oklahoma Christian University. This course examines Christian morality and ethics rooted in the teaching of Jesus. Other major contemporary ethical systems are also surveyed. Students practice ethical discernment on topics such as sexuality, family, food, environmentalism, consumerism, and wealth.
Required Textbooks:
Keith D. Stanglin, Ethics Beyond Rules: How Christ’s Call to Love Informs Our Moral Choices (Zondervan, 2021).
Philip Graham Ryken, Written in Stone: The Ten Commandments and Today's Moral Crisis (P & R Publishing, 2010).
ESV Study Bible

The Message of the Old Testament
Mondays, 6:00-8:00pm;
September 11-November 13, 2023
Location: Balcony classroom, Southwest Church of Christ
Teacher: Brent McFarland (Lakeview Church of Christ, Tacoma, WA)
Cost: $30 recommended donation
Come Follow Me is the introductory class in the NWSD curriculum. It covers the definition of discipleship, the person and work of Jesus Christ and the call to follow him. It points to the need for self-examination, the essential Spiritual Disciplines, and Disciple-Making. When offered in conjunction with Project Antioch, the Disciple-Making portion is not covered.
This course covers the essential message of the Old Testament scriptures, giving special attention to the themes of creation, fall, and redemption through Israel and pointing forward to the coming of Christ. The course also provides students with a better appreciation for the literary and historical and theological context of the Old Testament that will enhance their personal spiritual development.
Required Texts:
•ESV Study Bible
•George G. Guthrie, Read the Bible For Life: Your Guide for Understanding and Living God’s Word (2011).

In this course you will learn how to answer the questions of seekers, skeptics, or opponents of Christianity. You will learn what to say to those who object to Christianity but also practical tactics for effectively defending the faith.
Required Texts:
•Print copy of the Bible in a standard translation.
•Gregory Koukl, Tactics: A Gameplan for discussing your Christian Convictions (2019).
Ready Defense: Christian Apologetics
Tuesdays, 1:00-3:30pm;
September 12-November 14 (no class on Oct 10)
Location: Balcony Classroom, Southwest Church of Christ
Teacher: Wes Hanson (Circle Church of Christ, Corvallis, Oregon)
Cost: $30 recommended donation