Fall 2024 Courses
Introduction to Christian Ministry
Dates and Times: Tuesdays, noon- 2pm (12 weeks); September 3 – November 19, 2024
Location: Southwest Church of Christ, (Tigard, Oregon)
Teacher: Darren T. Williamson and others
Cost: $30 recommended donation
Class Description:
The course is a practical introduction to the work of Christian Ministers, individuals called to “do the work of an evangelist.” (II Tim. 4:5) Every Christian is a minister in a general sense. But scripture teaches certain men have a special calling to serve as a Minister (also known as evangelist & preacher) in a local congregation and engage significantly and regularly in authoritative and public preaching & teaching, exhorting &
rebuking, and comforting & strengthening of the entire body (1 Tim. 4:6-16; 2 Tim 4:1-5). This course explores the Biblical and historical work of the Minister with a very practical focus, utilizing interactive lecture and seminar-style guided discussion of reading material. Several seasoned Ministers will be featured as guest teachers throughout the term.​
Recommended Text
ï‚· • Charles Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students (Pantianos Classic edition, 2018)
ï‚· • Jim McInteer, Minister’s Manual for Churches of Christ (21st Century Christians, 2007)
Personal Evangelism
Dates and Times: Mondays, 6-8:30pm; January 15 – March 18, 2024 (no class on Feb 12)
Location: Southwest Church of Christ, Balcony classroom (Tigard, Oregon)
Teacher: Barry Galindo (Southwest Church of Christ)
Cost: $30 recommended donation
This course is a personal Evangelism course that equips students to study the Bible with people who need to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Specially, students will learn how to introduce people to Jesus through a study of Mark’s Gospel. The class will also feature two other seasoned evangelists as guest teachers on several nights of the class.
World Religions (MISS 3513)
Dates and Times: Thursdays, 1:00-5:00pm; Jan18 – Mar 21, 2024 (no class on Feb 15)
Location: Southwest Church of Christ, Balcony Classroom (Tigard, Oregon)
Teacher: Dr. Darren Williamson
Cost: This is an accredited college course with fees. Students can audit the course or take it for college credit. If auditing there is no assessment (quizzes, tests, papers, etc) or credit assigned. The audit fee is $45. If taken for credit, there is assessment, a grade is assigned, and three college credits are earned. The credit fee is $60.
Course Description: This course is accredited through a special arrangement with Oklahoma Christian University. The course is “A comparative study of the beliefs and practices, as well as the historical and sociological impact, of several of the world’s principal religious traditions. These include indigenous traditions, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Shinto. Fulfills the core curriculum non-Western civilization requirement.”
Required Textbooks:
Daniel McCoy, ed. The Popular Handbook of World Religions (Harvest House, 2021).
Stephen Prothero, God is Not One. The Eight Rival Religions that Run the World (Harper One, 2011).
ESV Study Bible
Old Testament Wisdom Books (BIBL 3613)
Dates and Times: Tuesdays, 1-5pm; January 16 – March 19, 2024 (no class on Feb 13)
Location: Balcony Classroom, Southwest Church of Christ (Tigard, Oregon)
Teacher: Dr. Mark Thiesen (Hazel Dell Church of Christ, Vancouver, Washington)
Cost: This is an accredited college course with fees. Students can audit the course or take it for college credit. If auditing there is no assessment (quizzes, tests, papers, etc) or credit assigned. The audit fee is $45. If taken for credit, there is assessment, a grade is assigned, and three college credits are earned. The credit fee is $60.
Class Description: This course is accredited through a special arrangement with Oklahoma Christian University. This course examines the wisdom and poetic literature of ancient Israel. Books include Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon.
Required Textbooks:
Edward M. Curtis & John J. Brugaletta, Discovering the Way of Wisdom (Kregel Academic, 2004).
George G. Guthrie, Read the Bible For Life: Your Guide for Understanding and Living God’s Word (2011).
ESV Study Bible
STORY: Introduction to the Christian Worldview (BIBL 1103)
Dates and Times: Wednesdays, 6-9pm; Jan 10-April 24, 2024
Location: Lakeview Church of Christ, 1709 112th St S, Tacoma, Washington 98444
Teacher: Dr. Mark McLean (Member, Central Kitsap Church of Christ)
Cost: This is an accredited college course with fees. Students can audit the course or take it for college credit. If auditing there is no assessment (quizzes, tests, papers, etc) or credit assigned. The audit fee is $45. If taken for credit, there is assessment, a grade is assigned, and three college credits are earned. The credit fee is $60.
Course Description
This course will introduce students to the Christian worldview. Basic life questions will be explored in light of the biblical story as a whole. Students will learn the basic content of the Bible and methods for responsibly interpreting the Old and New Testaments within a Christian framework. The course will also explore basic Christian beliefs—the Godhead, creation, sin, redemption through Jesus, and the church. This course will compare the biblical worldview with other worldviews, most notably secular humanism.
Required Textbooks:
Natasha Crain, Faithfully Different. Harvest House Publishers, 2022. (ISBN 978-0-7369-8429-4)
The Holy Bible, ESV. Crossway Publishers, 2001. (Another reputable translation may also be used by the student, but memory work will be tested from the ESV.)