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Meeting God:
The Heart of Spiritual Formation

The goal of the Fall 2023 Discipleship Seminar is to encourage disciples of Jesus to be changed into His likeness as they actively and intentionally draw near to God.  Our featured speaker, F. LaGard Smith, is a prolific author and Christian thinker who has spent a lifetime helping people grow spiritually through his more than thirty books.  Each session builds on themes in one or more of his devotional books that have blessed thousands of Christians over the years.


Featured Speaker

F. LaGard Smith

Christian Thinker & Author 

Seminar Schedule 

Saturday – October 28

Session One (1-1:45pm):  Meeting God in Everyday Places.  This session emphasizes the importance of routinely thinking spiritually about all of life. 














Session Two (2:00-2:45pm):  Meeting God in Quiet Places.  This session focuses on the importance of prayer and solitude, developing themes in Smith’s Meeting God in Quiet Places (2014).














Session Three (3:00-3:45pm): Meeting God in Biblical Places.  This session emphasizes the importance of daily scripture reading for spiritual formation, as seen in Smith's chronologically arranged The Daily Bible. 













Session Four (4:00-5:00pm):  Meeting God in Art and Literature.   This session concentrates on how the disciple of Jesus can see spiritual principles in art and literature, as witnessed in Smith’s recent The Gospel According to Shakespeare (2023). 













Sunday – October 29

Session Five (9:00-9:45am):  Meeting God in Holy Places.   This session builds on the book of the same title and encourages people to find spiritual richness in the holy land.   Smith also offers a brief history of the modern state of Israel and reflects on the current conflict in the region.  














Sunday Morning Sermon

F. LaGard Smith shares challenging and candid reflections on the many issues facing the modern church.  This bold message certainly will stimulate our thinking and prompt us to ask hard questions about faith, discipleship, and multi-generational faithfulness.




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